

Marca de España周五报道。 The results of the presidential election were announced in Bilbao for the Athletics League: the 44-year-old businessman Uriarte was elected with a real advantage. He has been elected president of Athletic Bilbao, which means that the former Barcelona coach Valverde will lead Athletic Bilbao next season.

Urias de Bilbao 是前皇家学会会长、西班牙一家大型商业集团的负责人 Luis Ulong 的侄子和孤独的儿子,没有孩子。许多成员支持他们。

选择乌里亚特意味着巴尔韦德将在两年半后重返教练岗位。巴尔韦德自 2020 年以来一直处于失业状态。